Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 9, 2019

How to Train a Bulldog to Skateboard in 10 Steps

There are countless tricks a bulldog can be trained to do but only one trick that truly takes the cake. When a bulldog has learned how to skateboard it becomes king of the hill within the pet world.
How to teach a bulldog to skateboard? A bulldog can learn how to skateboard, but its best to start training while its young. Teaching this trick will take patience and a lot of work to train each small, simple step. Skateboarding can be learned by following these 10 steps:
  1. Picking the right skateboard
  2. Acquaint the bulldog to the skateboard
  3. Practice, practice, practice
  4. Roll the skateboard
  5. Teach bulldog to step on the skateboard
  6. Roll the skateboard while bulldog’s paws are on it
  7. Reward bulldog for standing still on the board
  8. Move the board back and forth
  9. Teach how to mount and move the board
  10. Practice daily for short spurts until learned

Why it’s Easier to Train a Bulldog to Skateboard

The body structure of a bulldog is typically muscular, stocky, and short. The average weight for a typical bulldog can range anywhere between 40 – 50 lbs at full adulthood. These physical attributes create a low center of gravity, which is great for skateboarding. But its not just their low center of gravity that makes a bulldog successful at skateboarding. It’s their fun, confident attitude. Bulldogs love praise and enjoy adventure. When your bulldog is trained properly and it catches the vision of how to skateboard, they will practice at 110%.
Before jumping into training your bulldog to skateboard I would recommend the following:
  • Train your bulldog in basic commands like ‘Stay.’
  • Maintain an active, healthy lifestyle for your bulldog.
  • Visit your vet to check on your bulldogs overall health. This is no different than anyone playing sports that needs to have a physical to assess overall health. A good bill of health for your bulldog will empower you with confidence to know that your bulldog is physically capable to skateboard.
The next step will require a great amount of patience, a positive attitude, and motivation to properly train your bulldog to skateboard. You’ve got this. Your bulldog will recognize your efforts but make sure that you both are having fun in this adventure. A bulldog can easily become bored if you get frustrated too easily throughout the process.
Now that you know your bulldog’s potential at mastering this trick and are energized to begin training, lets do it. Follow the instructional information below to teach your bulldog how to skateboard in 10 simple steps.

Step 1 – Picking the Right Skateboard

Picking the right skateboard is one of the most important first steps to take. It needs to fit the bulldog’s size just right, like a shoe to a foot. A good rule of thumb is to have a skateboard that is about 1 inch wider than a bulldogs resting stance. Your bulldog should be able to stand comfortably on the skateboard.
When the right skateboard is selected, the ball bearings used should be slightly older.  The old ball bearings will help minimize the speed your bulldog will travel once it gets moving. The bulldog needs to remain in control once the skateboard begins rolling.

Step 2 – Acquainting the Bulldog and Skateboard

At this point you will introduce your bulldog to the skateboard. The skateboard and bulldog need to become close to one another for the training to work properly.
Engage your bulldog by flipping the skateboard over, wheels up, with the board flat on the ground. Tap on the board to craw attention from your bet. Any interest your bulldog shows, whether walking on the board or sniffing it be sure to give praise. Make this teaching opportunity fun for you and your pet.
As your bulldog becomes disinterested, remove the skateboard for a while, at least 30 minutes. Plan to bring the skateboard out periodically throughout the day and repeat the process of creating excitement by tapping on the board or even spinning the wheels. Again praising your bulldog each time it walks close to investigate what is going on.

Step 3 – Practice, Practice, Practice

Once your bulldog begins to appear more comfortable with the skateboard flip it over with the wheels facing down. Make sure that the skateboard is resting on something firm so it doesn’t roll. Good examples would be on the grass or carpet. Call your bulldog over and tap on the board. Invite your bulldog to step on the board. Plan to praise for any interaction the bulldog gives to the skateboard.

Step 4 – Begin Rolling the Skateboard

Now it is time to show off what the skateboard does. Walk onto pavement or a sidewalk with your bulldog. Standing next to your bulldog gently push and roll the skateboard away from the bulldog. Watch to see how your bulldog reacts. Are the emotions excitement, fear, questioning, etc.
If your bulldog looks uncertain or fearful go back to the basics. Show that the skateboard is non-threatening. While on this topic, never EVER roll the skateboard towards your bulldog during this early phase of training. A bulldog needs to become familiar with the skateboard and this action can appear threatening, kicking in its natural animal instincts.
If your bulldog displays excitement or seems content, you are ready for the next step.
Again, if by some miracle your bulldog tries to stop on the skateboard while it slowly rolls away praise away. The bulldog needs to recognize that this is the exact behavior you want it to do. This could be a perfect moment to reward with a treat.

Step 5 – Train your Bulldog to Step on the Board

While on a flat surface, place your foot on the board to secure it. Call your bulldog over and invite it to step on the skateboard. When the bulldog places one or more paws on the board begin to praise and possibly reward with treats.
At this stage you want to focus on this specific technique, stepping on the board. Any treats or praise should only be given for good behavior when the bulldog has stepped onto the board, even if it is just for a moment.
Take breaks when needed, if your bulldog begins to whine, bark, etc. Put the skateboard away for a while to recoup and then return to this step when you and your bulldog are ready to continue training. You need to be excited while training your bulldog so they recognize the importance of this trick.

Step 6 – Assist Rolling the Skateboard When Your Bulldog Places its Paws on it

As your bulldog gets comfortable stepping on the skateboard, begin slowly pushing the board so it rolls just a couple of feet. This motion can feel uncomfortable at first for any bulldog so be sure to praise and reward with a treat promptly. This will help re-enforce that this task is good.
The bulldog doesn’t need to be fully on the skateboard either. If it has one or two paws on and is comfortable moving the skateboard while in this position this is still a huge step towards your end goal. Be ready to praise in any of these circumstances and patient through the process.

Step 7 – Reward Your Bulldog for Standing Still on the Skateboard

At this stage it’s time to get laser focused. Your bulldog should be both interested and actively stepping on the skateboard. Now it is time to train your bulldog to stand still on the skateboard with all its paws.
Rewards and praise need to be shifted to completing this specific task. Be excited for your bulldog as it stands still on the board. The longer your bulldog stays on the board the better.
When the action to step completely on the board and stand still becomes second nature, your bulldog will be ready to begin actual skateboarding.

Step 8 – Move the Skateboard Back and Forth to Build Confidence

Begin to slowly move the skateboard back and forth, keeping your foot or hand on the board at all times. Praise and reward your bulldog for remaining still, with all 4 paws on the board throughout this motion.
If your bulldog is demonstrating great confidence and seems unshaken with the skateboard moving, begin walking along your bulldog while slowly pushing it alongside. This step is critical in building significant confidence between the bulldog and the skateboard. Your bulldog is learning that this activity is fun, safe, and welcomed. These are big motivators to keep your bulldog engaged and thirsty to learn more.
A great learning moment at this point is to have a second trusted partner stand several steps away from the bulldog. This partner will hold a treat in their hand. While your bulldog is standing on the skateboard slowly push the bulldog towards your partner. When your bulldog reaches the partner give the dog a treat. Now the bulldog recognizes that if it stands with all paws on the skateboard and rolls towards someone it will be rewarded with treats.
Continue practicing until this step is perfected.

Step 9 – Teaching Your Bulldog to Mount and Move the Skateboard

Now time for a big leap of faith for your bulldog. It has been trained, encouraged, and well fed. Place the skateboard out and give your bulldog some space.
When your bulldog mounts the skateboard step several steps in front. Call your bulldog to you. For the bulldog to be rewarded it must propel itself towards you while on the skateboard. Reward with treats if your bulldog moves the skateboard towards you. Be positive and encouraging when progress is made.

Step 10 – Consistent Practice and Praise

As your bulldog picks up on mounting and pushing the skateboard forward continue to practice. Practice will perfect the technique and constant encouragement will excite the bulldog to continue to learn and participate in this activity. A bulldog loves attention and will work hard to gain it as you praise it along this journey.
Begin to wean off treats for this trick as your bulldog begins to skateboard with ease. Be supportive of its hard work and just have fun!

Training Your Bulldog How to Skateboard – Conclusion

Be patient with your bulldog throughout this training regiment. It can take a while to make any progress so patience is needed from both you and your bulldog. Make sure this activity and the training are fun. For a successful training a bulldog needs to learn to love what it is practicing. If the trainer gets frustrated, impatient, or demonstrates being bored your bulldog will quickly pick up these queues.
A well trained pup is a happy pup. This recreational activity should be relaxing and enjoyable for both owner and bulldog. If done right, your bulldog will eventually beg to get out of the house and start shredding on its skateboard.
At the end of the day, some pets can fetch, others can rollover but nothing can top a happy, skateboarding bulldog. Any onlookers will awe in admiration as your bulldog rolls by on his skateboard.

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