Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 9, 2019

Do Bulldogs Fart? Yes! And How to Stop It!

A bulldogs sweet, innocent looking eyes and friendly demeanor can warm anyone’s heart. But that innocence can be deceiving because they carry a dark secret. You may have heard that bulldogs fart… a lot! Well this shouldn’t come as a surprise to you, because it’s true. These cute animals can carry a weaponized gas that can clear a house in just a few seconds
Why do bulldogs fart so much? Bulldogs tend to fart a lot because of their body composition that includes weak stomachs. Bulldogs have difficulty digesting many foods, which builds up gas due to the bulldogs sensitive digestive system. A bulldog requires both a strict diet and routine exercise for their bodies to maintain overall health and minimize gas buildup (aka farts).
As a current or potential owner, it is your responsibility to consider the importance of monitoring a bulldogs diet and having a regular exercise schedule. These actions can take your bulldog from frequent flatulence and potent smells down to a barely unrecognizable fart minimum.
Although a farting bulldog can be funny at first, your new owner goggles will come off quick. Enough is Enough! With that said, let’s get into the nitty gritty by understanding what can cause excessive farting and what to do to stop your bulldogs farting and most importantly, the smell.

How Bulldogs Fart so Often  – A Bulldogs Anatomy

Bulldogs have sensitive stomachs that are poor at digesting foods. But this isn’t the only culprit that causes excessive farting for your bulldog. Bulldogs love food so much that they have difficulty pacing themselves while eating, actually most dogs have this issue but bulldogs react poorly to eating quickly. Bulldogs flat face and short noise can also be an issue. Your bulldog is working hard to breath while eating and tends to intake an excessive amount of air as it chows down. Too much air through the mouth while eating will lead to more air out from your bulldogs backend… in the form of farts.
A lack of exercise will be an additional obstacle to your bulldogs health and gas buildup. Don’t fall in the trap of letting your bulldog rest all the time and sporadically exercise. Bulldogs truly want more active lifestyles than what many owners give them and really need this activity. Think of it like this. A lack of exercise = an increased amount of bulldog farts. Exercising on a regular basis with a bulldog assists to improve their overall health. A healthy bulldog’s body will more easily breakdown its food and convert the nutrients into good energy. Exercise can elevate how food is processed and improve the digestive functions of a bulldog. This doesn’t mean that farts will cease but its a step in the right direction.

Foods to Avoid

There are specific foods that stand out above the rest which can cause excessive and intense bulldog farts. Many of these foods are listed below so that they can be added to your personal watchlist.

Most Dairy Products

Milk, cheese, ice cream, butter, etc. can devastate a poor dogs stomach. Most bulldogs are lactose intolerant meaning that most dairy products will increase the frequency of a bulldogs farts. No more ice cream at birthday parties…unless you are planning on a doozy of a night for you and your bulldog.

Table Scraps

It is so easy to give table scraps to your bulldog. Their loving faces and endless wrinkles can make even the coldest heart warm. Don’t allow their eyes to lock directly on yours. Be firm in your resolve. You don’t want to create a habit when your bulldog comes to the table and eats foods that are outside of its specialized diet. Occasionally placing some natural meats or veggies in their doggy dish may be a welcomed compromise. I would still warn to be weary of doing this all the time because it will become an expectation and friends, family, or your own kids may see this as okay to give them whatever their little hearts desire.

Excessive Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates in moderation are fine but be mindful of when and how much you give your bulldog. The starch and sugars in carbohydrates can ferment meaning more gassiness. Truly be on the lookout for most anything with corn and wheat in excess, which are most dog foods.

Fermentable Foods

Beans, beans the musical fruit the more you eat the more you toot; beans are very fermentable. Broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower are also very fermentable meaning it can lead to excessive gas.

Low Quality Dog Food

Avoid low grade, cheap, commercialized dog foods like the plague. Bulldogs have a strict diet and these foods are cheap for a reason. The nutrition value typically isn’t the best and can be heavy on carbohydrates meaning more flatulence.
After going through this list you may feel slightly stressed. Many foods can wreck a bulldogs digestive system and increase flatulence. Don’t let this overwhelm you though when thinking about the right diet and scheduling regular exercise for your bulldog. Simple, consistent changes can have a lasting impact on any bulldogs farting frequency as well as their health.

Best Actions to Minimize when Bulldogs Fart

There are a lot of don’ts regarding what bulldogs can’t eat but there are many great choices on what a bulldog CAN eat. These particular food choices are healthy, easy on the digestive system, and can help reduce a bulldogs gas.

Yogurt is Good for Bulldogs

Remember when I said MOST dairy products. Yogurt is actually a really great dairy product for a bulldog to eat. It contains live bacteria cultures, the good bacteria, that help bring balance in the digestive system. Yogurt may be a good treat to put in a bulldogs bowl just as is or mix some with their dog food. Really, yogurt is a superfood but make sure it leans more on the natural ingredient side. There are many yogurt choices to pick from that use all natural ingredients.

High Quality Dog Food

There isn’t one brand that is best for every bulldog. Each bulldog has unique dietary needs and potential allergies that must be catered to. I recommend testing several different types of high end dog foods to see which may be best for your pooch. You may have to rotate through foods for a while until you find what will work. A Veterinarian can also provide guidance on the best diet for your bulldog.

Fiber Rich Dog Foods

Fiber is great for the body and does a fantastic job at keeping a bulldogs digestive system regular. Foods high in fiber include carrots, green beans, apples, brown rice, and bran. Many of these foods can be given as a replacement snack or treat for doing a good job. Or to keep regularity in your bulldogs digestion mix a healthy does of fiber in it’s food. Fiber can do wonders in controlling when bulldogs fart.

Anti – Fart Cookies (Yes they do exist)

When bulldogs fart and all else seems to fail there are always Anti – Fart Cookies. They lean heavy on fiber and other nutrients to control the stenchest of dog odors. You can find these typically are your big pet stores. I highly recommend these cookies as backups when you are backed into a corner by your gassy bulldog.

Other Supplements and Nutrients

Fiber supplements and fiber rich dog treats can be purchased for your bulldog, improving digestion. Probiotics, vitamin B complex and digestive enzymes can also be helpful in reducing a bulldogs gas. Many herbs can also be great in reducing gas by improving digestion, like peppermint. These herbs can be found in supplement mixes. When making a decision on which supplements and nutrients to use for your bulldog the local Veterinarian is a great resource for providing advice catered to your bulldog.
To learn more about about what to feed your bulldog read The Ultimate Guide to What Bulldogs Can (and can’t) Eat.

Conclusion to Reduce Your Bulldogs Putrid Gas

A bulldog owner deserves a happy, wonderfully odored pet. You don’t want to fear bringing guests into your home because your bulldog farts. Like all animals, bulldogs fart. You can be the difference in having a smell free home because you work hard alongside your bulldog to maintain its health or you can have the opposite effect. A bulldog that has poor health and uncontrollable farts.
Make the responsible choice to minimize where bulldogs fart. Take back your home to become a smell free zone once again. If you need any takeaways on how to reduce when bulldogs fart and improve its digestive health, here are a few final thoughts:


Keep a strict diet based around the needs of your bulldog. Prepare natural meats and vegetables or buy high end dog food that uses natural ingredients. A healthy diet that includes fiber or other digestive supplements will improve stomach digestion. Finding the right food for your bulldog will take some trial and error and that is okay. Testing what will work best is part of the process as you seek natural foods and supplements that will increase overall health and reduce gas. Veterinarians are extremely knowledgeable regarding pet diets and can provide a plan that will fit your bulldogs dietary needs which is another great option.


Begin your exercise routine today if you haven’t already and plan to walk your bulldog for 15 minutes each day. Read Can Bulldogs Jog for further tips on when to jog and frequency with a bulldog. Plan frequent activities inside and outside of the home to engage your bulldog and help keep them moving. Even just a few extra minutes of activity can help process and absorb the nutrients from the food it has consumed. Exercise helps the bodies mechanics and can drastically improve a bulldogs ability to digest food. This means less gas.

Tennis Ball Trick

This trick has been tried a tested. If your bulldog eats too fast, this means it is consuming way too much air which will lead to gassiness. Place a tennis ball in the middle of the doggy dish. This will force the bulldog to take a slower approach as it eats. The bulldog will eat around the tennis ball and typically eat slower than normal. This slow eating pace will reduce the air intake and in turn reduce your bulldogs farts. Or you can skip the tennis ball method and use a doggy dish designed to slow down you bulldogs eating. This particular bowl was made specifically to reduce bloat and can be Viewed Here on Amazon. It is really a great dog bowl and will do wonders for your bully’s tummy and gassiness. That sounds like a win – win to me!
By adhering to these basic lessons you can regain control when bulldogs fart and even the potency of the fart. Your bulldog will feel better, act more energized, and just be happier without its stomach irritating as much. A happier dog means and happier YOU!

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