Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 9, 2019

Breathing Problems in Bulldogs

Bullies are prone to breathing disorders due to their short nose and flat face. They are considered a Brachycephalic breed which is a medial term for short head. Bullies can suffer from a few breathing disorders such as an elongated soft palate, hypoplastic trachea and stenotic nares. At times, breathing problems can cause your fur-baby to snore while they are sleeping and snort while they are breathing when awake.
Elongated Soft Palate
A Elongated soft palate is the most common breathing disorder in Bulldogs. The soft palate is a flap of tissue that is located at the back of the throat. When the palate is too long, it blocks the airway making it difficult for Bullies to breathe. Noticeable symptoms of this condition include noisy breathing when overheated, unable to calm down quickly and excessive panting. Depending on the level of severity, veterinarians may suggest surgery to shorten the palate. This type of surgery is usually conducted on Bullies who are more than one years old.
Stenotic Nares
Stenotic Nares is a condition where the nostrils are pinched tight with limited passageway for air to travel through the nose. If your fur-kid can’t breathe well with his mouth closed, this may be a sign that he suffers from Stenotic Nares. This condition can be cured with surgery and the widening of the nostrils and passageway.
Hypoplastic Trachea
Hypoplastic Trachea is a medical term for small trachea. The trachea is a tube, also known as the wind pipe, that carries air from the mouth to the lungs. Bullies are prone to having small tracheas, especially when compared to their body size. If your fur-kid is experiencing symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath or gurgling sounds when breathing, visit the veterinarian for proper diagnosis. An x-ray will determine the diagnosis. There aren’t any surgical procedures that will cure the small trachea, however there are measures that you can take to help your fur-kid live a long, happy life. Measures include monitoring your fur-kid carefully providing good quality food to maintain a healthy weight, limit strenuous exercise plus avoid overheating and stressful situations.
Reverse Sneezing
Reverse sneezing is also referred to as paroxysmal respiration. The condition causes Bullies to appear to be choking or snorting air with his chest expanded, elbows out and his neck extended. Although the scene may look disturbing and painful, it’s not. Reverse sneezing is actually not a serious problem, but can frequent episodes can indicate a problem such as an obstruction in the nasal passages or a sinus infection. When your fur-kid experiences a reverse sneeze, don’t panic, try your best to stay calm and gently stroke the upper throat area to help encourage relaxation to the area.
While Bullies are prone to breathing problems, most conditions can be maintained with special care or corrected with surgery. As a precaution, pet parents should have the veterinarian examine their fur-kid to determine proper diagnosis. Giving your fur-kid special attention and becoming familiar with their breathing habits will help you notice if something is unusual quickly.

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